Sunday, June 26, 2011

ermonom goes to warszawa!

I did my travel plan!
13th of september I will be in Warszawa which is one of the destinatiıon cities of my arkitera trip.
actually my trip starts 9th of september from Copenhagen. But after Copenhagen my flight is going to be from the swedish ciy of malmö to warsaw. the trip also continue with  Polish cities krakow katowice and wroclaw and will end in german city dresden. it is going to be an interesting trip to eastern europe and I expect to see soviet style buildings around.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

elections 2011

Tomorrow is the election day for Turkey. Three main political parties will compete to come in to power, the existing government: Islamic party Justice and development (AKP) , the socialist party; republican People's Party (CHP) and the nationalist party; nationalist action party (MHP)

as you can guess; I am supporting the socialist party (CHP) and its sympathetic leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu

I tried to design a propoganda poster for him inspiring from the soviet propoganda posters. well it is not so "sovietic" I admit that. but in a very short time just to give the impression of being the people's party I could only do something like that . the sentence means: IT IS TIME TURKEY! BE BEHIND OF  KEMAL! just for fun :)